Monday, October 6, 2008

Punta Sal (our day off!)

Hola Amigos!

We had a busy day off yesterday! Let me start first with Sat night...we went to the fiesta in town and saw the production I told you about. It was mostly high school aged kids with a few older folks in there. It was basically a humorous narration on how poorly Hondurian men treat women. We could tell it was funny by the laughs around us. In between bits of narration were dance/ movement/ puppet/ fire ball numbers. It was great & tons of work for the kids & the director/ producer, a former Montrealer, Jean-Chaarles, who moved here with his wife, Suzanne, 7 years ago. We had dinner at their incredible home on Sunday night (see pic of view from their house below...this is their jungle view, they also see the town & ocean from their house). It was great to connect with someone else here working in the arts with kids and folks working on trying to improve the lives of their neighbors (alot of what they do...especially Suzanne).

During the day on Sunday, we went to Punta Sal National Park. We took a boat from Tela (about 45 min) to a little cove, covered up with clothing & bug spray & headed into the jungle. It was a great little hike (except for the mosquitos...ok for us, thanks to DEET)! We saw lots of little & fairly big sand crabs, some monkeys & amazing trees. Our tour guide ate some termites, as did one of our tourmates...the consensus was that they taste like carrots...we figure we'll just wait to come home & eat the real thing!

After the hike (which was one way across the peninsula) we got back in the boat & headed for some coral. We snokelled from the boat for about 45 min & then went to a beach where two families live. There we hung out in hammocks, swam & snorkelled more & ate a lunch of fish, rice & beans, & fried bananas (our new favorite snack). The meal was huge & prepared by one of the families that live there and cost less than $5.00. Below is a picture of Jeff getting personal with his fish & Parm walking on the beach.

So today (Monday) is back to work. We meet the contractor at 8 am and head to the Rehab Center to install the one water treatment system we brought here. Then we hope to meet with the city engineer & then see more schools. The initial water samples we took from 3 locations show that there is considerable bacteria including e.coli at 2 locations. At Jazmin the water so far looks good...although our field tests are nothing to go by when trying to decide to drink the water! At Jazmin there is a gentleman in the community who hikes up to a collection system every couple of days & adds chlorine.

Well, we're off to eat breakfast before our busy day.

Hasta Luego!

Parm & Jeff


Tej said...

The pictures look great! Hope you are not jealous of the fish... Kids are doing well - we were actually a bit early out the door this AM!!!

Unknown said...

Reminds me of Brasil!!!
Hope you're loving it!!! Can't wait to hear about your adventures in person.

Tej said...

Dear Mom and Dad,
I like your blog and the pictures. The beach looks beautiful - was the water warm?

Simi says, "it looks like Dad is in love with the fish!"

We miss you. Belle really wants Daddy and Mommy to come home, so do we!!! We are having a good time with Masi, she just took us to the chocolate factory.

Charlie and Simi